Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gaming in the Classroom

This week we are discussing game based learning in the classroom. I was already familiar with the topic as I read a peer's (quite awesome) blog on this topic throughout the semester. This week as part of our professor's introduction to the topic she posted this article: The School Where Learning is a Game. I'll be honest the article both intrigued me and made me simultaneously uncomfortable. As with every topic, resource, app, or tool we have discussed this semester, I feel like we need to approach gaming in the classroom in moderation. And, well, I don't think there is much moderation going on at this specific school. But, then again, I am assuming here and we all know where that can lead someone. I am sure a tour of the school could leave me astonished and no longer uncomfortable. But, maybe not. Who knows. There are some incredibly valid and amazing educational games that truly lead to student success. However, I do believe they should be used in moderation as with any resource or tool (and I am referencing both technology resources/tools and non-technology resources/tools). Daily lessons & instruction need diversity! Add gaming to our overflowing teacher toolbox and use when you feel it will meet the lesson's objective or help a specific student reach our ultimate goal - learning success. The real problem at hand is the handful (maybe more?!) of educators who do not embrace any of these tools in our overflowing toolbox...

That's a (quick & concise) wrap for this week!



  1. I enjoyed your post! Personally, I feel the use of games in moderation is the best as well. In my classroom, I usually like to use them as review before a test, or put a quick educational game in a lesson to help motivate students.

  2. I agree that games in moderation is necessary.

    1. That makes three of us, if you count Caitlin, too. :)
